A New Site and a Sigh of Relief

This has been quite a busy year for me. Projects stacked on top of projects. One of those was a partially built Shopify site to replace my former website. I had grand plans to make it awesome and get it launched early in this year so I could sell direct. Well, that obviously didn’t happen. It was way more work and expense than I anticipated, and the more I thought about it the more stressed I got. So even though I’m a completionist by nature, I finally had to face the fact that it wasn’t for me. At least not at this time. So I undid everything I’d done and started anew on this site. Though it took me several days to get this site built and there were some hairpulling moments when things didn’t work as I wanted them to, the feeling of progress every day was freeing.

I hope you enjoy the site. I’ve given a different page to the different types of books I write: contemporary romance, young adult and women’s fiction. There’s also a page dedicated to a K-pop 101 primer for those of you who might not be as knowledgeable about the genre as someone who listens to K-pop music and takes part in fandom like I do.

And if you’re not already on my newsletter mailing list, be sure to sign up because I have plans to rejuvenate my newsletter as well. If you have any ideas for what you’d like to see in my newsletter, I’d be happy to hear them.